tercbezsuipost Admin replied

295 weeks ago

Man On A Ledge Malayalam Full Movie Free Download

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a5c7b9f00b A man checks into a hotel and then goes out onto the ledge. People then start gathering below to see what he will do. The police are called in. The man says he will only talk to Detective Lydia Mercer, a police negotiator. Mercer's last negotiation didn't end well. When she arrives the man refuses to come in. They eventually learn he's a cop who was convicted of stealing a valuable diamond, which he denies. It seems he just escaped from prison and he says he's trying to prove his innocence.
As a police psychologist works to talk down an ex-con who is threatening to jump from a Manhattan hotel rooftop, the biggest diamond heist ever committed is in motion.
Wow, this was an awesome movie, I cant get over this, i had juts decided to go and watch this and it was a great move, this movie starts weird, but it builds up slowly with a lot of information and a lot of things going on, butit progresses on it gets amazing, this is a bit confusing throughout with multiple scenarios running through your head of what this could be would that could be, then all of a sudden everything happens, it reaches the pinnacle and this is juts before the movie ends leaving the imprint of this great movie in your head, your leave the cinema with all the possibilities answered in your mind, but also with a lot of mind screws, of all the information, over all this movie was awesome and i edge you all to go and watch it srsly, its good
Nick Cassidy (Sam Worthington) walks into a room in the Roosevelt Hotel, has one last meal and then stands outside on the ledge of the building. His positioning catches the attention of the public and the media below. In a flashback we learn that Nick was once a cop, partnered with Mike (Anthony Mackie) but then also a prison escapee, claiming he was framed. He manages to escape while at the funeral of his father, much to the distress of his brother Joey (Jamie Bell). Back in the present and Nick asks for the police negotiator Lydia Spencer (Elizabeth Banks) so that he can gain further media attention. She's pressured for results by Jack (Edward Burns), a hardened cop. Meanwhile, Joey and his girlfriend Angie (Genesis Rodriguez) are staging an elaborate heist in a nearby building, attempting to steal a valuable rock from corrupt businessman David Englander (Ed Harris). It becomes increasingly clear that the threads between the two brothers are somehow related. <br/><br/>This disappointing thriller plummets quickly to its death before it can ever catch any air. What's missing here are threads of equal weight and importance. Director Asger Leth is fixated on what is essentially a gimmicky premise, and like its main character, it has nowhere to go. I couldn't help but recall the recent heist comedy Tower Heist (2011) and its structure. Neither film is high art but Tower Heist at least saves its biggest and most elaborate set pieces till last. The rest of the film is spent developing characters that have distinct personalities, a lot of self-awareness and rather plausible knowledge about their target. Man on a Ledge is all of its title, save for an early flashback. Everything else happening around Nick simultaneously fails to engage. The heist in the nearby building is a series of tired stunts that we have been before in much better and more interesting films. There's even a laughably silly cloaking scene that echoes Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011), only I don't think they were trying to be funny. Given how much time is spent on Joey and Angie, it feels ridiculously anti- climatic. A lack of continuity also sours the tension in their thread because despite being tested by various high-tech security devices, in the next sequence they're comfortably in the office of their nemesis, waiting for him. The only time the film really thrills is early on when the camera first makes the transition onto Nick's ledge. It tracks through the window and then out onto the ledge in one movement. Its impacting because we feel the separation and the contrast of the two spaces: from the safety of the interior, to what could be a sudden freefall outside. <br/><br/>The realism of the early ledge scenes evaporates in favour of increasingly stupid behaviour and impossible stunts. My least favourite moments are shared between Nick swinging off the body of a rappelling SWAT soldier and also when Lydia decides that she'll come out onto the ledge too. Any commentary about the media below is watered down into mindless caricatures, including a story hungry reporter and the drones cheering for Nick. Dog Day Afternoon (1975) this is not. I wondered if the scene where people in the crowd are falling over each other to catch the money Nick hurls at them was Hollywood being self-reflective. No one in Hollywood at the moment seems more locked into gruff-mode than Sam Worthington. Aside from some convincing trembling, which may or may not have been acting, he fuels Nick with little more than his usual testosterone levels. All of his dialogue reads like taglines from an era of bygone Hollywood action stars. When asked whether he thinks about hurting himself in prison he says: "Hurt myself? No. Kill Myself? Every goddamn day". I don't know why Ed Harris is in this film beyond a paycheque because he's a far better actor than being forced to play Dr. Evil's corporate equivalent. Elizabeth Banks has the look of someone more suited to a fashion catalogue, rather than a burnout, repressed cop. Try not to laugh when she attempts to coax Nick off the ledge by offering to go to lunch with him. Acting chops are about the last Genesis Rodriguez from Entourage will be remembered for. Her relationship with Jamie Bell is an uninvolving one. The implausibility of this film, whether it's the relationships, the premise, stunts or dialogue, makes it extremely hard to endure. Well before the first hour mark, that ledge was looking mighty tempting.
Man on a Ledge makes bigger leaps of logic than Nick will if he fails a gravity test. If the transparent sting springing him from Sing Sing doesn't roll your eyes, then wait for the climax when Nick becomes a kind of plainclothes Spider-Man.

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last edited 217 weeks ago by tercbezsuipost
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