tercbezsuipost Admin replied

295 weeks ago

Full English Breakfast Download Movie Free

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646f9e108c Through flashbacks, Full English Breakfast follows the violent career of Dave Bishop (Dave Courtney) a small-time London villain who kills his way to the top of Britain's drugs empire. Now happily 'retired' on the Kent coast Dave becomes embroiled in a bloody battle of wits with Al Qaeda terrorists who want to take over his criminal empire. Adding to the old mobster's woes is his younger trophy wife (Lucy Drive) wanting to play away with his new driver (Jamie Bannerman).
Just finished watching a gangster film with punch! Full English Breakfast is a rip roaring ride through the rough side of lifewe follow the careers of Dave Bishop and Jamie Sullivan, one a gang boss and the other a former soldier who's fallen onto the wrong side of the tracks.<br/><br/>Reminds me of Russian masterpiece "Brother" (1997), the idea of a hardened disillusioned former soldier getting mixed up in the wrong crowd. Thought the Afghanistan references and Al Qaida types (warning very disturbing torture scenes in these parts of film) was brave filmmaking.<br/><br/>Every piece of the story is carefully laid down, leading the viewer through the plot mostly through Jamie's and Dave's eyestwo parallel crises develop side by side - one to do with Dave having bitten off a little more than he could chew, killing one henchman too many, and the other Jamie having overstepped his rank - by jumping into bed with Dave's wife!!<br/><br/>The slow building simmering tension provides breathing space from the moments of skull rupturing violence that punctuate it. <br/><br/>Truly one of the greats, and a stunning triumph for an independent feature.
Been at pains to make up my mind about this title after reading how extreme the opinions are. How can everyone either hate it or love it, what's going on!?? <br/><br/>Had to buy it anyway to see what all the fuss was about, so here's my take on it - ten out of ten stars - hands down. Sorry naysayers but Full English Breakfast was everything I hoped it would be - gritty, raw and merciless. What it was not was a Hollywood blockbuster packaged in plastic and smelling like a happy meal. And thank heavens for that!<br/><br/>This brutal caper film shocks and thrills in equal measure. Dave Courtney's thunderous performance is to die for, and I'll never look at him the same way again - he's terrifying. The Jamie actor is excellentwell, his subtle and artistic approach to the character spellbinding, and makes you want to follow his story all the way. <br/><br/>My favourite bit was actually the romance that develops between Jamie and the boss's wife, both male and female lead know what'll happen to both of them if Dave finds out about their affair but they are compelled to continue on hoping to find an exit. It's very moving when juxtaposed against the sheer bone crunching carnage and viciousness of what goes on at the business end of Dave's enterprise.<br/><br/>This is a stunning work of art, a true labour of love and one for the collection of any self respecting gangster fan. Don't watch it if you can't handle the violence, the tense atmosphere or the high drama.

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last edited 217 weeks ago by tercbezsuipost

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